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About Us

Lin Men has been in the composite field since 1988.


We started out by selling glass fiber prepreg and SK Korea SKYFLEX, the premium brand of carbon fiber prepreg. We supply a wide range of carbon and glass UD/Woven prepregs in different FAW and resins. We can also develope customised resin for customers to suit their applications. 


In recent years, we've also begun selling Textreme prereg, Composite tooling Prepreg, Sheet Moulding Compound (SMC), Glass fiber mat reinforced thermoplastics/ PP resin and Kraibon, a thin rubber film that hardens within the component laminate in the same production process! Kraibon not only cures together with carbon fiber prepreg, it also improves acoustics, impact and splintering behaviour. 


Our aim is to bring you the correct materials that help achieve the performances you are looking for.

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