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Carbon Fiber Prepreg

SKYFLEX Prepreg is sheets of specially formulated resin matrix with reinforcing fiber such as carbon fiber, glass fiber, and aramid fiber. 

Prepreg is one of the most advanced composite materials in the world.


It is an intermediate material to manufacture composite parts, in applications ranging from sporting goods to aerospace. 

▶︎ ​Product characteristics

  • Carbon fibers have the advantages of light weight, high specific strength and specific stiffness, low coefficient of thermal expansion and superior dimension stability.

▶︎ Pattern

  • Unidirectional (UD prepreg)

  •  Plain weave

  •  Twill weave

  •  Spread Tow

▶︎ ​Applications

  • Automotives parts

  • Sporting goods such as bike parts, tennis rackets, ice/field hockey sticks and golf shafts.

  • Wind blades

  • Industrial equipment parts

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